
The Diary of an Extraordinary Ordinary Woman

The Diary of an Extraordinarily Ordinary Woman is a wonderful work of art: a rich, emotional, fascinating tapestry of family love and sorrow painted on the backdrop of American history and culture over seventy-five years.”
—Dennis Hall, Ph.D., Founder, Trauma Management International

“Reads like a Tennessee Williams play. I read quite a bit, but as I have aged, it usually takes me at least a week to read a novel, even good ones. This is the first in many years that I could not put down after I started, except for meals. It carries the reader from the wonderful times of the Fifties through all the years up till now. I can’t wait to read another from this wonderful writer.”
—Kent Patrick-Riley, Pianist and Horticulturist

“I had trouble putting this book down. An amazing story of the resilience of one woman in an extremely dysfunctional family.”
—Paulette Avery, Retired R.N.